Clinion is exhibiting at the Clinical Research Conclave being held on 7th Oct, 2023 in Ahmedabad

Schedule a Time to Meet us at the Event

The Clinical Research Conclave 2023 is a unique opportunity for clinical research professionals from India and around the world to come together to share ideas, learn from each other, and network.

The conference will provide ample opportunities to learn from some of the industry’s top leaders as they share their knowledge and experience. This event provides a unique platform to network, share insights, and engage in meaningful discussions that drive progress in healthcare. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of the future of clinical research.

ISCR Clinical Research Conclave Conference will also be a great opportunity to showcase our latest products like Clinion AI Medical Coding and eCOA and EDC Solutions.


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Clinion AI Medical Coding the first fully integrated system ready for production that seamlessly integrates with Clinion EDC. This innovative system leverages Machine Learning to effectively match Adverse Event verbatims with MedDRA dictionary terms. The AI module is seamlessly embedded within Clinion EDC software, requiring no specialized training for users.

Clinion eCOA is a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) solution, encompassing ePRO, eDiary, and eConsent modules, designed to facilitate decentralized clinical studies. This platform is user-friendly, simplifying the setup and usage for both study organizers and participants, offering real-time access to trial data and status.

  • eConsent:The eConsent module features a secure mobile app, enabling Investigators to remotely administer Informed Consent Forms and enroll patients. It also facilitates tele-consultations with subjects, guiding them through the consenting process.
  • ePRO: This component empowers clinical researchers to efficiently administer, collect, manage, and analyze patient-reported data throughout a clinical trial.

Clinicians utilizing Clinion eCOA solutions have reported improved patient engagement and a reduction in study drop-out rates.

We are eager to present these cutting-edge products and anticipate the opportunity to connect with you. To gain insights into our client testimonials, please visit our website

Check out some of our client testimonials here:

Please visit our booth at the Clinical Research Conclave
to see clinion in action